There are many who wish to receive the perceived bliss of Nirvana and seek it within meditation and the Void. There is less understood about this non-place than there is the ability to understand it. One would assume that it is a location to be achieved, a place to which to travel or an initiatory state to receive. It is none of these and it is all of these.
For many years, science has been working with a field that is being called the Zero Point Energy Field. This is a state of absolute potential, the realm of all possibilities - that from which all comes and to which all goes. Within this photon-ridden non-place is the light that oscillates off and on creating each point of manifestation and each wave that becomes the particle. Since science does not understand how it works, many experiments are being conducted to attempt to reconcile the mathematics with the current theory.
We would ask that different words be used for this self-same state of being within which all exists. Could this be the Mind of God? Could this state contain the Divine Will? Man assumes in its various religions that "God" is a being sitting "somewhere" measuring out justice - condemning those who are "wrong" and praising those who are "right". The question is which religion does God belong to? Each faith has different categories for that which is right and that which is wrong. If God is to be the judge, then He must feel that one state of belief is the right one or He would have no standard by which to judge.
Obviously, this is not the case. God is not a being who sits in judgment of anything. Nor does God require a belief system upon which to rest His judgments. God IS. That is simply All. In that Isness resides All That Is - unequivocally equal, no matter what the case; no matter what the person, situation, nation, or belief may be. It simply Is within the Isness becoming more and more of that Isness. It is man that places a sense of right or wrong on any act or being; judges the worth of nations and rulers; declares war and prays for peace. It is man that believes there must be "this" and not "that".
Within the Will of God, the Zero Point Energy Field, all is possible. It is by claiming a specific feeling that mankind creates the quantum blueprint for the physical manifestation. As such, man is the creator of that which oscillates out of the ZPEF and after finishing with the physical form, oscillates back into the ZPEF to be reabsorbed. It doesn't make any difference whether one person sees it as good and another as wrong. It comes from the same place and is only judged as right/wrong by the polar mind of man in his free will. The claiming of the feeling that is the initiation of the creation is what brings about a specific particularization from The Field. The use of free will to create duality is the learning and teaching of the earth plane. Within the use of the free will is the capability to surrender to the One Will that is the reservoir of all possibilities, letting each moment unfold in its own beauty and glory. It is not a state of assertion. It is a state of allowance.
We would ask that you ponder these points this week and allow yourself to feel the moments in which you reside within this stillpoint - when you touch the edge of the Zero Point Energy Field and upon making a decision, cause the oscillation to flow into manifestation - your creation on earth. It is your will to create and it is your ability to discreate and return to the quantum soup that which no longer serves. As a creator within the Multiverse, you are Divinely Anointed to bring into creation that which serves you. Observe your creations in this week.